9 Experts on the Holiday Traditions They Look Forward to All Year – The Spruce
9 Experts on the Holiday Traditions They Look Forward to All Year
For many, the holidays are associated with special traditions that make the season feel extra festive. When I was growing up, my dad and I would always take a nature walk on Thanksgiving Day and come back to the house with acorns and other objects to display as part of the dining room table centerpiece that evening. I’ll always have fond memories of that little ritual!
We wanted to know what traditions lifestyle pros look forward to every year, so we talked to nine creatives to find out their holiday traditions that help to make Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukkah feel extra meaningful.
Trimming the Tree – Susan Spath
“Our favorite family tradition is setting up the Christmas tree and hanging all of the beautiful Jay Strongwater ornaments that I have collected for years. Every year we gather around with teas and desserts to set up our beautiful tree. I’ve always added a special ornament for my girls every year, so it is fun and special when we put those ornaments on the tree. I go for an over-the-top tree and mantels and stay away from overdoing the rest of the holiday decor. I’m a less is more when it comes to Christmas decorations.” — Susan Spath of Kern & Company
Written by: Sarah Lyon for The Spruce
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